Managing Space Background Data in Archibus

Managing Space Background Data in ARCHIBUS

This document is to help you define and document your own process.

These documents reference 4 applications, if your team is not using a particular application you can skip that step:


Produced by

Drawing Publishing


Web Central

Archibus (Space IQ)

Enterprise Graphics (autoCAD or Revit)



Archibus (Space IQ)

Enterprise Graphics (autoCAD or Revit)

Part of Web Central – user app available in v24



Maps (cadNOW)




Maps (cadNOW)


New Drawings

See publishing process documentation for more specific publishing steps.

  1. Catalogue Drawing (Adds building/floor/room records)
  2. Publish Enterprise Graphics (Web Central and Workplace)
  3. Publish Maps (SpaceView and MicroView)
  4. Run Update Area Totals (Populates the calculated area fields based on the room area from the drawings)
  5. Open Smart Client and add additional information to the following fields below. (Note: there are more fields available, these are just the main ones in use, please use this to document what you use)
  6. Open the drawing in Web Central (space console), SpaceView, MicroView, and Workplace to verify that everything looks good.




Site Code

Primary Key – Unique Value – what gets assigned to the building

Site Name

(Optional) if populated displays in SpaceView instead of floor code, also displays in some web central reports

Alternate Name

(Optional) if populated displays in Spaceview instead of site name. Only use if you want something different to display in SpaceView

Display in SpaceView?

Yes/No. Defaults to Yes. Hides all buildings/floors/rooms associated with that site. Will always show in Web Central.



Validating Table*


Building Code


Primary Key – Unique Value – populates automatically when you catalogue a drawing. Should follow a standard convention.

Building Name


What displays in the workplace app, SpaceView, and Web Central Reports

Alternate Name


(Optional) if populated displays in Spaceview instead of building name. Only use if you want something different to display in SpaceView

Address 1



Address 2


Extra address details or suite number

Postal Code


Zip Code

Site Code


Site – Must have a record already in site table, if not add one first.

City Code


City – Must have a record already in city table, if not add one first.

State Code


State – Must have a record already in state table, if not add one first.

Country Code


Country – Must have a record already in country table, if not add one first.



Building latitude for building marker location in Web Central and SpaceView after v5



Building longitude for building marker location in Web Central and SpaceView after v5

Site Latitude


Building latitude for building marker location in SpaceView before v5

Site Longitude


Building longitude for building marker location in SpaceView before v5

Display in SpaceView?


Yes/No. Default is Yes. Hides all floors/rooms associated with that building as well. Does not hide from Web Central or Workplace.

Building Use


Displays in Workplace when you search for a building and in some Web Central Reports.

*value must be in this table




Building Code

1st part of Primary Key – Populates automatically from drawing – shows connection to building

Floor Code

2nd part of Primary Key – Unique Value within each building – populates automatically from drawing

Floor Name

(Optional) if populated displays in SpaceView instead of floor code, also displays in some web central reports

Alternate Name

(Optional) if populated displays in Spaceview instead of floor name. Only use if you want something different to display in SpaceView

Active for Self-Service

Yes/No display in the workplace app. Default is yes.

Display in SpaceView

Yes/No. Default is Yes. Hides all rooms associated with that floor as well. Does not hide from Web Central or Workplace.



Validating Table*


Building Code


1st part of Primary Key – Populates automatically from drawing – shows connection to building

Floor Code


2nd part of Primary Key – Unique Value within each building – populates automatically from drawing

Room Code


3rd part of Primary Key – Unique value within each floor – populates automatically from drawing

Room Category


Populates automatically from drawing. If you change this in smart client you need to also change it in the drawing before you catalogue the drawing next or it will be overwritten. Used to classify space and related to space calculations.

Room Type


Populates automatically from drawing. If you change this in smart client you need to also change it in the drawing before you catalogue the drawing next or it will be overwritten. Used to classify space.

Room Standard


(optional)The architectural standard to which a room is built.

Room Name


(optional) Name associated with the room. Displays in room in SpaceView and allows searching by room name. Displays on room in workplace for conference rooms only.

Employee Capacity


The number of people that can occupy a room. Used for occupancy/vacancy calculations in SpaceView highlights and web central reports. Defaults to zero.



(optional) Assigning space to a particular division if necessary



(optional) Assigning space to a particular department if necessary

Entity Handle/Unique ID


Unique connection to the drawing. Use to check if the room records are connected to the drawing by seeing if this has a value. If a room record is not connected to the drawing and it should then re-catalogue the drawing. If it should no longer be a room and it is not connected to a drawing (ex: a wall moved and it no longer exists) then use smart client to delete the room record.

*value must be in this table

Updated Drawings

  1. Catalogue Drawing (Adds building/floor/room records)
  2. Publish Enterprise Graphics (Web Central and Workplace)
  3. Publish Maps (SpaceView)
  4. Run Update Area Totals (Populates the calculated area fields based on the room area from the drawings)
  5. If any rooms were added you will need to review and add additional information to the room records if needed
  6. If any rooms were deleted from the drawing, you will have to find the room record using smart client and delete it from the database (cataloguing only disconnects the room from the drawing, does not delete it).
  7. Open the drawing in Web Central (space console), SpaceView, and Workplace to verify that everything looks good.

Retiring Floors/Buildings

When tracking leases or space changes over time, it is important to keep old building records in place. In most cases, the room records of retired buildings and floors can be deleted while the building and floor records are retained. This is the easiest way to exclude their areas from site and building area totals. It is important that if you have equipment or people still assigned to those rooms that you ensure that that information is no longer needed before removing. Work request history will not be affected as long as all work requests against the space are closed (archived to hwr table) before the rooms are removed. Other procedures are possible if your organization has other specific needs.

Retired Floors (within buildings not retired)

  1. Add “-closed” to the floor name
  2. If using SpaceView set “display in SpaceView” to “no” for the floor
  3. If using Workplace, for every floor in the building set “Active for Self-Service” to “No”
  4. Export the room records to a folder in the drawing fileshare
  5. Delete the room records

Retired Buildings

  1. Move to site “CLOSED” (hidden in SpaceView – the closed site has “display in spaceview” set to “no” so you do not need to set it for all buildings and floors in this site)
  2. Add “-closed” to the building name
  3. If using Workplace, for every floor in the building set “Active for Self-Service” to “No”
  4. Export the room records to a folder in the drawing fileshare
  5. Delete the room records

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